Firstborn son of Baal, Marduk was the sole product of his father’s brief loveless first marriage to Tiamat, who swiftly remarried his youngest brother Yam. Unusually the baby Marduk remained on Earth to be raised by his father. Marduk was spoiled from an early age, and soon grew to resemble Baal in both appearance and appetites. Encouraged by his father, and often by his side, Marduk spent the centuries of his young manhood exploiting his privilege to the fullest indulgence of his desires. Upon Baal’s return to Soma following El’s death, Marduk was formally promoted to Head of Earth Operations. Left unchecked by his father’s presence, Marduk’s ego swelled to match his excesses: viewing himself as a true God-king, only the deft management of his Irin aides kept mining operations running smoothly. Rumour of Marduk’s egregious behaviour soon began to echo within the familial network, stoking the resentments of Baal’s three brothers, Yahweh among them, who viewed Earth as their rightful inheritance…